File a Claim

L/D and Repair claims must be approved by my essentials before submitting to the manufacturer or authorized repair center.

To file a claim for a My Essentials patient, start at the homepage of the My Essentials website. You can always get back to the homepage by clicking on ‘My Essentials’ in the top left corner of the screen in the grey header bar.

Enter the patients Sycle ID, Customer ID, Customer Name, or Email Address in the ‘Customer Lookup’ search box. Your patient will appear as a result; click on that result. If your patient does not appear then the patient is not enrolled in my essentials. If the loss has already taken place then it cannot be enrolled.

Click on ‘Administrative Actions’ at the top of the page.

In the white box on the right side of page labeled ‘Account Actions,’ click the first button ‘File A Claim.’

Fill in the fields of the ‘Claim Details’ section; be sure that the information you add to the system is accurate. Once you have filled in all of the necessary information, click on the blue ‘Submit Claim’ button at the bottom of the page.

Be sure to select the aid being claimed, the claim type, and select a date of the loss to continue. If these are not selected you will not be able to submit the claim.

Each claim is submitted only on the one aid selected. If you need to file another claim click the File another claim option and you can repeat the process for the second hearing instrument.

Once approval for the claim has been given the store email account will receive an email notification. The aid(s) can now be submitted for L/D replacement or repairs to the manufacturer or authorized repair center.

I click submit claim and it’s not working

1.) Please be sure you are using Google Chrome as it’s the only browser supported
2.) Confirm all options are selected. Type of claim and the date of loss are the most common fields that are not selected.
3.) Please be sure that your computer is up to date. There may be some issues with your workstation that need to be fixed.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at